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Legal notice

All names used here, terms, signs and graphics can be brand names or trade marks in the possession of their legal owner. The rights for all mentioned or used brand names and trade marks belong to their owners.

AIC Comercio de componentes Eletronicos Ltda
Rua Das Laranjeiras, N°. 10 - A,
Ouro Verde, Bairro Coroado III, CEP: 69082-730, Manaus / AM

Tel.: +55 92 8120-5960

e-mail: info@aic-europe.com

Legal Data
Authorized to present: Raimundo Batista dos Santos
Responsible for the content according to TMG Raimundo Batista dos Santos

Technical Information
Technical Responsible: Raimundo Santos e-mail:

Further Information
Information with regard to all links on this server: We explicitly express that we have no legal responsibility for the contents of any linked websites on this server. This statement is valid for all links and link collections, which are included at present or will be included in the future.

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© Copyright 2014, AIC Comercio de componentes Eletronicos Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados.